Hervé lesot

PhD, Director of Research CNRS

Université de Strasbourg, INSERM UMR 1109

Team « Osteoarticular & Dental Regenerative Nanomedicine »

Phone: + (33) 03 68 85 31 11 direct


Research interest

Cellular aspects of tooth development and engineering


According to the Web of Science – co-author of 138 publications, cited 4022 times, h-index = 32.

Editorial activity

Int. J. Dev. Biol. (Editorial board member) : 2011 ->

Frontiers of Craniofacial Biology (Associate Editor) : 2010 ->

Journal of Dental Research (Editorial board member): 2010 ->


2010 IADR Distinguished Scientist Award for Pulp Biology and Regeneration

2004 Honorary Professor at the Capital University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Stomatology, Beijing, China.

2003 : Golden Medal from the Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.